Gary Halbert Copywriting Tip: The "So That" Rule

Michael May 04, 2022
15 People Read
gary halbert writing example


Originally published March 2020.

On Roland Frasier's podcast, Business Lunch, he recently interviewed copywriter Craig Clemens — founder of the direct-to-consumer agency, Golden Hippo.

hungry hungry hippos GIF

I've picked up a lot of gems from both Roland's and Craig's content about marketing and copywriting...

But there's one tactic Roland mentioned during this interview that has stuck with me ever since...

He received an insider tip from the late copywriting legend, Gary Halbert.

Which can be best described as:

The "So That" Rule

The "so that" rule is a magical formula that unites both the features and benefits of your product/service.

You may have heard people say: "Highlight the benefits, not the features"

I know I've probably heard that advice from 20+ different sources when it comes to selling and marketing.

For example:

You may be excited about your new invention — the latest and greatest lawnmower, — because it comes with a GPS and automated navigation system...

But until you communicate that this navigation system actually means that the lawnmower drives itself (the feature)... so that your customer can relax while drinking an ice cold lemonade in his lawn chair on a hot July afternoon — instead of the back-breaking work of doing it himself (the benefit)...

Until you do that, it will be harder to sell.

The "so that" rule allows you to show your prospective client exactly how their life could improve by allowing them to partially experience the emotional benefits of your product or service in advance.

So, next time you're selling, consider weaving this idea into your pitch SO THAT you can sell more stuff and, ultimately, become free, ewealthy, and devastatingly more attractive!*

*Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that any of this will happen to you but I can guarantee that I'm rooting for you.
