Becoming a Full Stack, T-Shaped Marketer

Michael Mar 21, 2024
12 People Read
full stack marketer

👉 Something I've embraced — partly by choice & partly by necessity — is becoming a "T" shaped marketer (and person).

I first came across this idea about 5 years ago when I was first learning about entrepreneurship from Sam Ovens' YouTube videos.

He talked about becoming “T-shaped” or “Full Stack.”

It’s the idea that you go really DEEP into ONE skillset…

And become VERY good at something specific.


To avoid becoming a one-trick pony with blinders on…

You ALSO dip your toe into everything else.

For me, the deep skillset (vertical part of the “T”) was direct-response copywriting. ✍️

I was mesmerized by the idea of using written words to influence + sell.

And with a background in filmmaking…

The storytelling aspect of writing came naturally.

As a freelancer, that’s what I’ve been paid to do 95% of the time…

But recently…

I’ve had one foot still in the client world… and another foot in the offer owner world. 🌎

And it’s mostly in this 2nd world that I’ve used a little bit of everything (i.g. the horizontal part of the “T”) 👇

- Media buying & running ads

- Offer/ product development

- Email list management

- Graphic design

- Video editing

- Phone sales

- Organic social media strategy

- Script writing

- Funnel building

- Web design

- Podcasting

- Virtual event production

- Affiliate program management

- Sponsor coordination

- Talent scouting/ liaison

- Client/ customer support

- Community management

- Webinar production

- JV coordination

- Accounts receivable & payable

- Freelancer hiring

- Conversion rate optimization

- And one time, I even had to learn how to write some code!

The full-stack, T-shaped ethos is about being able to wear multiple hats at a time…

Not so that you stay stuck doing everything yourself forever…

But so that you have the tools necessary to bring things to life when you start with limited resources.

And when you DO have more resources (the resources born from the scrappiness you used in the beginning)...

Your diverse experience will help you know what to look for when recruiting people onto your team. 🤝

My journey is still evolving & my story is still being written…

But I’m happy with how this philosophy — in work and life — has played out so far.